My column about the latest OECD report about higher education, which shows that Norwegian universities have a very low completion rate, created quite a lot of debate. Many readers have asked me for the text. I have now posted the pdf here.
Lectures about Camilla Collett online
Norway ‘s  National Library organized an excellent conference about Camilla Collett to mark her 200th anniversary in January. Now NRK, Norwegian Broadcasting, has made all the talks, including mine, available online: NRK links to Camilla Collett conference.
All the videos from the conference are also available here, on the National Library’s own web pages:Â Camilla Collett conference videos.
Four new columns from Dagens Næringsliv uploaded
I have finally caught up with my own columns! Four columns from 2013 have now been uploaded. They deal with Camilla Collett, Sonia Sotomayor, Hilary Mantel, and Sheryl Sandberg, respectively. All in Norwegian, I am afraid.