My new paper  “The Adventure of Reading: Literature and Philosophy, Cavell and Beauvoir†has now been published in Literature and Theology, 2011. <doi: 10.1093/litthe/frr014> . For a free access link to a pdf of the paper, please click here.
My new paper  “The Adventure of Reading: Literature and Philosophy, Cavell and Beauvoir†has now been published in Literature and Theology, 2011. <doi: 10.1093/litthe/frr014> . For a free access link to a pdf of the paper, please click here.
Click here for my latest column in Dagens Næringsliv (2 April 2011), about women at MIT (in Norwegian).
Click here to read (in Norwegian) my essay in defense of the humanities: “Forsvar for humaniora” published in Aftenposten on March 31, 2011.