An Asian edition of my book has now been published by Orient BlackSwan Publishers in New Delhi.

An Asian edition of my book has now been published by Orient BlackSwan Publishers in New Delhi.
On June 6 and 7 2017 I will be at SUD, the University of Southern in Odense, Denmark for a seminar and lectures: “Must novels be fiction? Language and reality in KnausgÃ¥rd’s “My Struggle” (“Min Kamp”). The seminar will be about my new book “Revolution of the Ordinary. Literary Studies after Wittgenstein, Austin, and Cavell”
I will be speaking about KnausgÃ¥rd’s My Struggle (vol. 1) at Brandeis on April 28:
The Brandeis Novel Symposium is annual one-day conference that holds its inaugural event on April 28, 2017. Each year, the conference will have a dual focus: both on a particular novel and on the theoretical and scholarly questions it raises.