On February 20 I gave a lecture at Stanford University (which I neglected to put up on this website). But here’s the link. I also gave a seminar on February 21. And this gives me an opportunity to thank my gracious hosts at Stanford, Professors Joshua Landy and Lanier Anderson, for making these events so intellectually interesting.
Paris workshop
On Monday 9 September, I will be participating in a workshop on feminist theory and ordinary language philosophy at the Sorbonne in Paris. The workshop will take place in Salle Lalande, 17 rue de la Sorbonne, Escalier C, 1er étage, from 9:00 a.m. to 6:15 p.m. For the full program, click here.
“Staging Skepticism: Ibsen and the Drama of Modernity”: A Workshop at Temple University
There will be an interesting workshop on Ibsen and philosophy at Temple University Thursday 2 and Friday 3 May, at the Center City Campus, 1515 Market Street, room 208. For the full program, click here. I will be giving a talk on Hedda Gabler on Friday 3 May.