New essay on Little Eyolf

My essay on Ibsen’s Little Eyolf is now available in a collection edited by Susan Wolf and Christopher Grau. Here’s the reference: Toril Moi, “‘Something That Might Resemble a Kind of Love’: Fantasy and Realism in Henrik Ibsen’s Little Eyolf.” In Understanding Love: Philosophy, Film, and Fiction, edited by Susan Wolf and Christopher Grau, 185-208. New York: Oxford UP, 2014.


My essay on Hedda Gabler has been published!

I am delighted to announce that my new essay on Hedda Gabler has been published:  Moi, Toril. “Hedda’s Silences: Beauty and Despair in Hedda Gabler.”  Modern Drama 56, no. 4 (2013): 434-456. For copyright reasons I can’t put up a pdf yet. But anyone with access to Modern Drama through a library should be able to find it.