Pdf of my essay on Breivik and the postmodern culture finally posted

I have finally posted a pdf of my article in the issue of the Norwegian journal Samtiden devoted to the trial of the mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik. The essay is called “Markedslogikk og kulturkritikk: Om Breivik og ubehaget i den postmoderne kulturen” (“Market logic and cultural critique: About Breivik and the Discontents of Postmodern Culture”), Samtiden, nr. 3, 2012, ss. 20-30. Click here to find the pdf!

2013 Malcolm Bowie Memorial Lecture in London

On Friday March 8 (International Women’s Day!) I will give the 2013 Malcolm Bowie Memorial Lecture, organized by the Institute of Germanic and Romance Studies and Queen Mary, both at the University of London.

The title is “Simone de Beauvoir and the Metaphysical Novel: Literature, Philosophy, and the Question of the Other in L’Invitée (She Came to Stay)” The venue is Macmillan Hall, University of London, Senate House, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU. Since there will be a reception, the organizers are asking for an RSVP by Friday 1 March, bty email to christopher.barenberg@sas.ac.uk, or by telephone 020 7862 8738.

When I was young and unemployed, Malcolm Bowie supported my work. It is an honor to have the opportunity to give a lecture in his memory.

Writing Is Thinking II at Duke

PAL organized its second Writing Is Thinking workshop on Friday 1 March. Invited speakers were Nancy Bauer (Tufts), Bernie Rhie (Williams), and Aaron Sachs (Cornell). Kristen Neuschel (History, Director of Duke’s Thompson Writing Program) and Toril Moi also spoke. Duke Today features a little article about the event today.