My November 2011 paper on the Humanities available in Norwegian

On November 22, I gave a paper on the value of the humanities at Forskningspolitisk seminar organized by Forskerforbundet in Oslo. All the papers from the seminar are now available online. I include the pdf of my own manuscript here: Moi_Verdien av humaniora November 2011. A short version of my own paper was published in Morgenbladet on December 2, 2011, under the title “Ã… lage det som er vanvittig vakkert” (“To make something insanely beautiful.”) You can download a pdf file here.

Article on KnausgÃ¥rd’s Min kamp in Morgenbladet

My article on Karl Ove KnausgÃ¥rd’s Min kamp has just appeared in Morgenbladet (in Norwegian).  The full reference is: Toril Moi, “Skam og Ã¥penhet,” Morgenbladet, 16 December 2011, pp. 44-45. The article will be available online in four weeks. But this link should take you to the full issue (the link doesn’t work on iPads). Just go to pp. 44-45 to read the article. If that doesn’t work, here is a pdf file with the text: Moi Skam og Ã¥penhet.

The Value of the Humanities

Toril Moi will speak about the value of the humanities at a seminar about research funding organized by Forskerforbundet (the Norwegian Association for Researchers) in Oslo on Tuesday 22 November. For more information about this seminar, which will begin with a talk by Tora Aasland, the current Minister for Knowledge, click here.