My essay on Simone de Beauvoir’s Goncourt Prize winning novel The Mandarins was published early in 2020. Here’s the pdf. Note that there is a snafu with notes 22 and 23 in the wrong place (I only have a pdf of the proofs). The full reference is: Toril Moi, “Acknowledging the Other: Reading, Writing, and Living in The Mandarins,â€Â Yale French Studies nos. 135 & 136 (2019): 100-115. (Special issue: “Existentialism, 70 Years Afterâ€, edited by Lauren du Graf, Julia Elsky, and Clémentine Fauré.)
Remembering Stanley Cavell
The text I wrote for Stanley Cavell’s memorial conference in 2018 is available online, on the website of Australia’s ABC Religion & Ethics.
Feminist Theory after Wittgenstein, Austin and Cavell: Symposium at the New School, New York
There will be an exciting symposium on feminist theory after Wittgenstein, Austin and Cavell at the New School in New York on Thursday April 3 and Friday April 4, 2014.
Participants include Nancy Bauer (Tufts), Sarah Beckwith (Duke), Alice Crary (New School), Sandra Laugier (Sorbonne), Toril Moi (Duke), and Linda Zerilli (Chicago). For more information click here.