Essay on Anders Behring Breivik in Samtiden

In late August, the Norwegian journal Samtiden will publish an issue in part devoted to the trial of the mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik. I have contributed an essay called “Markedslogikk og kulturkritikk: Om Breivik og ubehaget i den postmoderne kulturen” (“Market logic and cultural critique: About Breivik and the Discontents of Postmodern Culture”).

An excerpt from this essay was published in Dagbladet on August 25, 2012.

Talking about Ibsen and Newfoundland on Canadian Radio

On Sunday 23 October, CBC’s radio program “The Sunday Edition” had a segment on Ibsen, which included an interview with a fascinating young Sudanese artist inspired by Ibsen’s Nora, and a conversation with Paula Dankert, from the National Theatre in Ottawa, and Toril Moi, and the experience of studying Ibsen on Fogo Island.  A link to the audio file (available as a pop-up from the page) can be found here.