On Friday 25 January at 18:00 I will give a talk about Camilla Collett’s novel Amtmandens Døttre at Oslo’s Literature House, and discuss Camilla Collett with Cathrine Sandnes, editor of Samtiden.
Camilla Collett at the Norwegian Treasury
Given that Camilla Collett’s picture decorated the Norwegian 100 kroner bill from 1977 to 1994, it is fitting that the Norwegian Treasury (Finansdepartementet) wants to celebrate her birthday. I will be going to give a lunchtime talk about Camilla Collett for interested staff there on January 24th.
Ã… bli en stemme: Konferanse om Camilla Colletts forfatterskap
On 23 January it is 200 years since Camilla Collett was born. We celebrate her anniversary with a conference at the National Library in Oslo. The conference is fully booked, but the National Library will live-stream the event at www.nb.no.