Toril Moi will give a keynote lecture on “The Other” at the VI International Conference on English Language and Literature Studies, at the Faculty of Philosophy, Niksic, Montenegro, September 30 – October 2, 2010.
New Essay Published in New Literary History
My new essay called: ‘”They practice their trades in different worlds”: Concepts in Poststructuralism and Ordinary Language Philosophy’ is now available in the latest issue of New Literary History 40.4 (Autumn 2009), pp. 801-824. By focusing on their different views of concepts, the essay shows that Derrida and Wittgenstein have radically different ideas about what the purpose of philosophy is. The essay is an attempt to show why it is so difficult to have a meaningful dialogue between the two intellectual traditions. A pdf file is now available under “Essays”.
The University of Bergen
Toril Moi will give a lecture and a seminar at the University of Bergen on Monday 23 November, 2009. The seminar is part of the doctoral training program in the humanities in Bergen. For more information (in Norwegian), click here.