On August 1, Aftenposten published a short essay (in Norwegian) about why we no longer distinguis clearly between intellectuals, experts and pundits. “VÃ¥r tids tenkere.”
The University of Bergen
Toril Moi will give a lecture and a seminar at the University of Bergen on Monday 23 November, 2009. The seminar is part of the doctoral training program in the humanities in Bergen. For more information (in Norwegian), click here.
The Norwegian Non-Fiction Canon
The preface I wrote specially for  my own Norwegian translation of Simone de Beauvoir: The Making of an Intellectual Woman (Simone de Beauvoir: en intellektuell kvinne blir til) made it on to the list of the 45 best non-fiction texts in Norway, selected by the national organization for teachers of Norwegian (LNU). The jury’s list was published in March 2009. See the list in Sakprosakanon for skolen.