I have finally posted a pdf of my article in the issue of the Norwegian journal Samtiden devoted to the trial of the mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik. The essay is called “Markedslogikk og kulturkritikk: Om Breivik og ubehaget i den postmoderne kulturen†(“Market logic and cultural critique: About Breivik and the Discontents of Postmodern Cultureâ€), Samtiden, nr. 3, 2012, ss. 20-30. Click here to find the pdf!
The Debate about Eskil Pedersen
My latest column (in Norwegian) about the debate about Eskil Pedersen’s actions at Utøya is now available online. It appeared in print in Dagens Næringsliv on Saturday 22 September.
Op-Ed about Breivik Trial in the New York Times
On August 23, David L. Paletz and I published an Op-Ed essay about the Breivik trial in the online edition of the New York Times, under the title “In Norway, a New Model for Justice.”
On August 24, the British paper The Guardian based the beginning of its editorial about the Breivik case on our essay (the link to our paper is at the end of the first paragraph.)
The French website Rue89 quotes our essay on August 25.