I am looking forward to my conversation with the fabulous Norwegian writer Vigdis Hjorth at the House of Literature in Oslo on October 5. We’ll talk about her brand new novel Arv og Miljø.
University of Oslo Strategic Advisory Report Published
In August, Build a Ladder to the Stars, a report on the strategic plan of the University of Oslo was published. I was privileged to be a member of the  stellar committee who wrote it, the so-called Strategic Advisory Board (SAB). The SAB was chaired by Esko Aho, former prime minister of Finland; the other members were Peter Agre (Johns Hopkins, 2003 Nobel Prize in Chemistry); Shaheen Sardar Ali (Warwick; Law/UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention; Erwin Neher (Göttingen, 1991 Nobel Prize in Medicine); Frans van Vught (Rector Emeritus of the University of Twente, High level EU education advisor). For an overview of the reception of the report, in English, see this article by Jan Petter Myklebust in University World News.
Pdf of my essay on Breivik and the postmodern culture finally posted
I have finally posted a pdf of my article in the issue of the Norwegian journal Samtiden devoted to the trial of the mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik. The essay is called “Markedslogikk og kulturkritikk: Om Breivik og ubehaget i den postmoderne kulturen†(“Market logic and cultural critique: About Breivik and the Discontents of Postmodern Cultureâ€), Samtiden, nr. 3, 2012, ss. 20-30. Click here to find the pdf!